Submit Your Site

Submitting your website is FREE

Free submissions are TEXT links only with a brief description of your site
You can also suggest a site that you don't own. If you are making a suggestion, please just let me know that you are not the owner.


  • Canadian ONLY

    To be considered into the CyberMoose Directory, shops and services are to be local small independant businesses with the focus being within the areas of Georgian Bay and Muskoka.
    No big box store listings.
    For other businesses or services that are not within our target area you must be located in Ontario or Canada to be considered.

    Resource/Non-profit sites also must be Canadian.

  • Info to include in Submission

    1. City and Province
    2. Your email address
    3. Your URL(web address)
    4. Description ( please keep brief, we will edit if too long)
    5. Suggested category placement
    6. Submit Site

Not mandatory, but we would greatly appreciate a Link Back, choose from:

  1. Code: <a href="" target="_blank"></a>

  2. Image Link: Image linked to

*Note: If linking back to us using one of the above images, please download and place within your own server directory*

We reserve the right to exclude sites that do not meet our code of ethics.

Please Read our Disclaimer

Make your listing more visible!

We offer many affordable ways to improve exposure for your website:

  • Main Page Advertising
  • Directory Advertising
  • Enhanced Listing

Please check out our Advertising Page for more information and see what we can do for you!
